Sofia Guagenti

  1. 2. - the name of the numbers above the materials on the periodic table.
  2. 7. - a positively charged ion.
  3. 8. - an element that wants to form a negative ion; is displayed on the right side of the periodic table.
  4. 11. - the number of protons in an atom of a given element.
  5. 12. - the amount one mole of an element weighs; atomic mass times 6.02*10^23
  6. 14. - a non-neutral charged atom.
  7. 15. - the diagonal strip on the periodic table where all of the metalloids are located.
  8. 16. - an element with properties of both metals and non-metals; is found just right of the metals on the periodic table.
  9. 17. - the name of the numbers on the left side of the materials on the periodic table.
  1. 1. - nonreactive substances with seven valence electrons.
  2. 3. - eight valence electrons; a full shell of electrons
  3. 4. - the electrons on the outermost shell of an atom.
  4. 5. - nonreactive substance with eight valence electrons.
  5. 6. - an element that wants to form a positive ion; is displayed on the left side of the periodic table.
  6. 9. - the weight of one atom of a particular element; the number of protons plus the number of neutrons in an atom.
  7. 10. - a way of showing very large or very small numbers using exponents.
  8. 12. - 6.02 x 10^12 atoms of a substance.
  9. 13. - a negatively charged ion.