sofia saucedo
- 5. the right and left atria
- 7. sends electrical signal to regulate heart beat
- 9. carry oxygen poor blood to your heart
- 13. prevent the backward flow of blood
- 15. device that delivers an electric shock
- 17. the machine records the electral activity
- 19. organ between lungs
- 22. deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin
- 1. pressure exerted by the blood
- 2. patients heart is replaced
- 3. when your heart isn't receiving enough oxygen
- 4. balloon like dilation of a blood vessel
- 6. plug or blockage
- 8. inflammation of the pericardium
- 9. major blood that connects directly to your heart
- 10. chest
- 11. coronary artery bypass graft
- 12. slow heart rate
- 14. fatty substance
- 16. chief complaint
- 18. myocardial infarction
- 20. hypertension
- 21. to cut
- 23. echocardiogram
- 24. to hold back