Soil Crossword

  1. 3. - Here are the minerals and nutrients. This layer supports the process of plant growth due to its nutrients.
  2. 6. - Soil becomes depleted of nutrients, compacted, salinized, and acidified.
  3. 7. - The diverse community of tiny life forms residing in soil.
  4. 10. - It is a resource of soil formation - this is where everything starts. Full of weathered rocks and minerals. It is above bedrock.
  5. 11. - The soil has certain ______ like properties when it comes to water.
  6. 13. - How many soil horizons are there
  7. 14. - Soil absorbs harmful substances (heavy metals, pesticides, pollutants).
  8. 15. - Chemicals used in farming, which hurt soil.
  1. 1. - The process of storing a surtant organic mater element in soil.
  2. 2. - Terracing, Contour farming, Reforestation to prevent soil erosion
  3. 4. - Limitation on pesticides, no-till farming, and crop rotation
  4. 5. - The upper layer, full of organic matter like humus and leaves.
  5. 8. - This is the unweathered layer of ruck that is below all of the other horizons. It provides a base for soil development.
  6. 9. - Causing soil damage through (floods, turnarounds, hurricanes, etc.)
  7. 12. - Loss of the topsoil layer.