Soil, Farming and the Green Revolution

  1. 8. The end products from farming. Crops, animal products and the profit, are examples of these.
  2. 9. Keeping animals is the main activity of this type of farming.
  3. 10. Type of farming in which a farmer grows crops (or keeps animals) to feed himself and his family.
  4. 13. The space between grains or particles of soil.
  5. 14. Using a lot of labour or investing a great deal of capital in order to obtain as much produce as possible from each hectare of land.
  6. 15. The loose material on the Earths's surface, above the solid rock.
  7. 16. Organic matter, minerals, water, air describe the ________ of soil.
  8. 19. Organic matter that can't be broken down any further.
  9. 22. Historical process that began in Mexico in the 1950's by northamerican researchers. They developed new varieties of grains to try to solve food shortage worldwide.
  10. 24. provision of a supply of water to farm land.
  11. 27. This process breaks down rocks into smaller particles by the action of reain, temperature, gravity, frost action and biological activity.
  1. 1. What goes into a system.
  2. 2. Fields for mainly growing crops.
  3. 3. This type of farming usually takes place where large areas of low or poor quality land exist.
  4. 4. Labour, machinery, farm buildings, energy are examples of these type of inputs.
  5. 5. This is grown in Asia, it's an example of an intensive and subsistence type of farming.
  6. 6. Rent, transport costs, market demand and accesibility to the market are examples of these inputs.
  7. 7. Everything is produced for sale in this type of farming.
  8. 11. Amount of rain, season temperatures, length of the growing season, relief, soil and drainage are examples of __________ inputs.
  9. 12. Government controls and policies are examples of these inputs.
  10. 13. Chemicals used to kill pests.
  11. 17. Activities on the farm which turn inputs into outputs.
  12. 18. This type of farming is where farmers move from one area to another.
  13. 20. It's an acronym. New varieties of maize, wheat and rice which had spectacular yields, were developed during the Green Revolution.
  14. 21. Nutrients added to the soil to increase it's fertility and crop outputs.
  15. 23. This layer of the soil, receives new material from decomposition of trees and plants.
  16. 25. This process decreases soil fertility.
  17. 26. The proportion of how much sand, silt, and clay there's in soil is its...