Soil, Farming and the Green Revolution
- 8. The end products from farming. Crops, animal products and the profit, are examples of these.
- 9. Keeping animals is the main activity of this type of farming.
- 10. Type of farming in which a farmer grows crops (or keeps animals) to feed himself and his family.
- 13. The space between grains or particles of soil.
- 14. Using a lot of labour or investing a great deal of capital in order to obtain as much produce as possible from each hectare of land.
- 15. The loose material on the Earths's surface, above the solid rock.
- 16. Organic matter, minerals, water, air describe the ________ of soil.
- 19. Organic matter that can't be broken down any further.
- 22. Historical process that began in Mexico in the 1950's by northamerican researchers. They developed new varieties of grains to try to solve food shortage worldwide.
- 24. provision of a supply of water to farm land.
- 27. This process breaks down rocks into smaller particles by the action of reain, temperature, gravity, frost action and biological activity.
- 1. What goes into a system.
- 2. Fields for mainly growing crops.
- 3. This type of farming usually takes place where large areas of low or poor quality land exist.
- 4. Labour, machinery, farm buildings, energy are examples of these type of inputs.
- 5. This is grown in Asia, it's an example of an intensive and subsistence type of farming.
- 6. Rent, transport costs, market demand and accesibility to the market are examples of these inputs.
- 7. Everything is produced for sale in this type of farming.
- 11. Amount of rain, season temperatures, length of the growing season, relief, soil and drainage are examples of __________ inputs.
- 12. Government controls and policies are examples of these inputs.
- 13. Chemicals used to kill pests.
- 17. Activities on the farm which turn inputs into outputs.
- 18. This type of farming is where farmers move from one area to another.
- 20. It's an acronym. New varieties of maize, wheat and rice which had spectacular yields, were developed during the Green Revolution.
- 21. Nutrients added to the soil to increase it's fertility and crop outputs.
- 23. This layer of the soil, receives new material from decomposition of trees and plants.
- 25. This process decreases soil fertility.
- 26. The proportion of how much sand, silt, and clay there's in soil is its...