Solar Orbiter

  1. 2. a solar storm can produce a powerful solar ...
  2. 5. the Sun weighs ... than the Earth
  3. 6. state in USA
  4. 7. weather in space
  5. 8. Solar Orbiter will fly around the ... of the Sun
  6. 10. surname of Mr. Adriaan
  7. 12. Solar Orbiter will fly for several ...
  8. 15. yellow white layer of the Sun
  9. 16. Solar Orbiter needs it to receive commands from Earth
  10. 17. The Earth is one
  1. 1. amount of instruments in Solar Orbiter
  2. 2. month of Solar Orbiter's launch
  3. 3. European Space Agency
  4. 4. name of the satellite
  5. 7. our star
  6. 9. dark spots on the Sun
  7. 11. hottest layer of the Sun
  8. 13. name of the rocket
  9. 14. protects Solar Orbiter against high temperatures
  10. 18. name of Mrs. De Groof