solar system

  1. 4. The biggest moon in the Solar System.
  2. 6. Most of the moons of Uranus are named after characters that appears in the works of _____.
  3. 8. The Solar System is a part of the _____.
  4. 11. the most distant human-made object in space.
  5. 12. There is a conspirancy theory about the war on this planet.
  6. 13. The biggest volcano in the Solar System
  7. 14. The brightest planet in the night time sky.
  1. 1. The last planet to be discovered in the Solar System.
  2. 2. Planet that has the most moons in the Solar System.
  3. 3. The first animal in space, to orbit the Earth, and died.
  4. 5. The only shrinking planet in the Solar System.
  5. 6. Solar has the same meaning as _____.
  6. 7. _____ is used to be a planet.
  7. 9. Between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter.
  8. 10. The planet with the most tilted axis.