Solar System

  1. 4. Largest Planet in Solar System
  2. 6. relating to the sun
  3. 7. one of a planet's natural satellites,
  4. 8. Third planet from Sun
  5. 9. Planet with most Moons
  6. 13. to turn around a center point, or axis,
  7. 14. the attractive force of a body.
  8. 17. small object moving around a larger object.
  9. 18. a person who travels in space.
  1. 1. the path an object moves around another object
  2. 2. body an object that is located in outer space
  3. 3. a spherical object that orbits a central star
  4. 5. Seventh planet away from Sun
  5. 7. Closest planet to sun
  6. 10. planet a space body too small to be called a plane
  7. 11. Fourth planet from sun
  8. 12. the motion of one object around another.
  9. 15. Furthest planet from sun
  10. 16. second planet from Sun