Solar system

  1. 2. … technology brings many benefits into our life in many aspects, such as new source of energy and engineering.
  2. 3. … is a celestial body for which the nucleus is smaller than a planet.
  3. 4. … are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
  4. 9. When a comet comes close to the Sun, it produces a visible … .
  5. 10. The second largest planet in the Solar system.
  6. 13. Mercury and Venus don’t have moons or natural … .
  7. 15. Only the four … planets have planetary rings surrounding them.
  8. 18. Solar flares in huge amount of energy can increase the amount of … radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.
  9. 19. Some planets have rings of rocks and ice which are called … rings.
  10. 20. The … from the Sun is one related possibility of the period of planet’s revolution.
  1. 1. … are made up of similar material as asteroids but are smaller than them.
  2. 5. … planets are dominantly made up of gas and ice.
  3. 6. … are believed as fragments of meteoroids that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and reach the ground.
  4. 7. The planet known as the largest one in the Solar system is called ….
  5. 8. Venus is the … planet due to its highest temperature.
  6. 11. Scientists believe that asteroids contain traces of … acids and other organic compounds.
  7. 12. … cars are one of space technology adaptations in transportation industry.
  8. 14. … system puts the Sun as the core of the system.
  9. 16. Meteorites that reach the Earth’s ground may create craters, known as …, which are cool and become solid.
  10. 17. By studying space technology, climatologists can adapt the technique in forecasting the ... on the Earth.