Solar System

  1. 3. made of ice rock and dust
  2. 6. hottest planet due to its thick CO2 atmosphere
  3. 9. the planet most like Earth
  4. 10. robot explorers
  5. 14. farthest planet from the sun
  6. 15. closest planet to the sun
  7. 17. large chunks of rock and metal mostly between Mars and Jupiter
  8. 19. the only planet that can support life
  9. 21. a meteoroid that enters Earth's atmosphere aka shooting star
  10. 22. manned spacecraft that leaves for long time
  11. 23. satellites that orbit sun
  1. 1. manned spacecraft for shorter stays
  2. 2. largest collection of telescopes found here
  3. 4. the largest planet and has bands of blowing winds
  4. 5. small pieces of rock and metal that break off comets or asteroids
  5. 7. sideways tilted planet with unusual color of gases
  6. 8. tool made by Galileo to look into space
  7. 11. planet with rings of rock and ice
  8. 12. best known dwarf planet
  9. 13. unmanned spacecraft
  10. 15. a meteor that reaches Earth's surface
  11. 16. how planets stay in orbit
  12. 18. tendency to keep moving in a straight line
  13. 20. object that orbits around another object