Solar System

  1. 2. center of our solar system
  2. 5. an object placed in Earth's orbit to collect info
  3. 7. a space rock that reaches our atmo burning up in mesosphere
  4. 9. planets with more gravity have more______
  5. 10. another name for the closest rocky planets
  6. 13. planets far away revolve around the sun ____(faster/slower)
  7. 14. all the planets have different_______due to their spin
  8. 15. farthest planet from the sun in our solar system
  9. 18. model showing the sun in the center of the solar system
  10. 20. the number of planets we have in the solar system
  11. 22. another word for the giant gas planets
  12. 23. another way of saying "revolution" or going around something
  1. 1. Earth's twin planet; uninhabitable due to atmosphere
  2. 2. what the word "solar" means
  3. 3. all planets ______around the Sun
  4. 4. model showing earth in the center of the solar system
  5. 6. this belt of rocks separate rocky from gas planets
  6. 8. our largest planet
  7. 9. a celestial object revolving around the Earth
  8. 11. the closest planet to the sun
  9. 12. another belt of rocks beyond the farthest planet
  10. 16. the reason why all planets go around the sun
  11. 17. a planet reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006
  12. 19. third planet from sun, rotation is 24 hours
  13. 21. our solar system model changes with new info(true or false)