Solar System

  1. 7. Hottest planet.
  2. 10. Pluto has __ moons.
  3. 11. Inner planets are made of rock so they are
  4. 14. Comets only have __ when they are close to the Sun.
  5. 15. Causes the tides on Earth.
  6. 16. Venus is covered in _ gases.
  7. 18. Uranus and Neptune are believed to be made largely of __, not just gas.
  8. 19. Planet with 60 moons.
  9. 20. Our solar system's star.
  10. 21. Only planet man has ever visited.
  11. 22. Jupiter has a huge hurricane called the __ __.
  12. 24. Fourth planet from the Sun.
  13. 25. Planet with 14 moons.
  14. 26. Largest planet.
  15. 28. The outer planets are thought to be made of mostly _
  1. 1. Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are all __
  2. 2. Mars used to have a lot of __ on its surface. We can tell from the valleys.
  3. 3. In the early 1900's, some people thought Mars was covered in __, proof of aliens.
  4. 4. A "sphere" of objects surrounding the solar system.
  5. 5. Element that makes up the majority of the Sun.
  6. 6. It is believed that there may be a __ planet in the Oort Cloud.
  7. 8. Planet with 27 moons.
  8. 9. Thought to be the remnants of a planet or a planet that never finished forming.
  9. 12. The Oort Cloud is where __ come from.
  10. 13. One of the farthest known celestial bodies of the Solar System.
  11. 17. Black magnetic storms on the Sun we can see from Earth.
  12. 23. Smallest planet.
  13. 27. Saturn has the largest known __ system.