Solar System

  1. 1. Saturns rings are made of dust, rock, and _____
  2. 4. has two moons called Phobos and Deimos
  3. 8. a small dwarf planet found beyond Neptune's orbit
  4. 10. _____ planets - four planets furthest from the sun
  5. 11. One year on this planet lasts 88 days
  6. 14. type of planet found outside our solar; not orbiting a sun
  7. 15. The centre of our solar system
  8. 17. _____ planets are also known as 'Gas Giants'
  9. 21. small rocky bodies floating in space, smaller than Earth' moon
  10. 22. Earth's natural satellite
  11. 24. the biggest planet and has a big red eye
  12. 25. Ceres Pluto Haumea and Eris are these small type of planets
  13. 26. _____ planets - four planets found inside the asteroid belt
  1. 2. a dwarf planet found in the asteroid belt
  2. 3. Asteroid _____ a region of space between Mars and Jupiter
  3. 5. Second largest planet. It has large rings.
  4. 6. A dirty snowball made of ice, dust, dirt with a bright tail
  5. 7. A US spacecraft visiting Jupiter and Saturn
  6. 9. the coldest of all the planets
  7. 12. _____ Comet - revisits our solar system every 75 years
  8. 13. 10m wide, rocky body, traveling through outer space.
  9. 16. ______ Moons are the 4 largest moons of Jupiter
  10. 18. has 167 large volcanoes and is the hottest of all planets
  11. 19. a planet with 13 moons and a icy atmosphere
  12. 20. _______ Huygens is an orbiter that takes pictures of Saturn
  13. 23. this planet is 70% water