Solar System

  1. 1. Red soft soil
  2. 2. Similar size to earth
  3. 5. Invisible to the naked eye
  4. 6. Mars is known as the ___ planet
  5. 8. Closest planet to the sun
  6. 12. The nearest star to the sun ( 2 words)
  7. 13. Produces light and heat
  8. 15. The smallest planet
  9. 17. The planet with spectacular rings around it
  10. 18. Star the north star (2 words)
  1. 1. Comes out at night time
  2. 3. The moon goes over the sun when this happens
  3. 4. The pattern in the sky created by stars
  4. 5. _____ Armstrong first man on the moon
  5. 7. 75% nitrogen,25% oxygen
  6. 9. 9 moons
  7. 10. The biggest planet
  8. 11. The amount of planets
  9. 14. Shuttle the only space vehicle
  10. 16. star distances are measured in _____ years