  1. 1. The place on the earth's crust where the earthquake is felt
  2. 4. An instrument which is used to measure an earthquake
  3. 5. The magnitude of earthquake is measured by ________ scale
  4. 7. Another name for weak or fault zones
  5. 10. The positively charged particle inside the nucleus of an atom
  6. 11. The charge acquired by a glass rod when rubbed with a silk cloth
  7. 13. The accumulation of charges in the clouds.
  8. 15. The negatively charged particle of the atom
  9. 16. A device which is used to test whether an object is charged or not
  1. 2. Uppermost layer of the earth
  2. 3. Motion of charges
  3. 4. Charges at rest are called _________ charges
  4. 6. The place inside the earth's crust where the earthquake is generated
  5. 8. The process of transfer of charges from a charged object to the earth
  6. 9. Earthquake deep inside the ocean can cause this
  7. 12. Each fragment of the outermost layer of the earth
  8. 14. The neutral particle within the nucleus of an atom