  1. 4. Test whether an objects carries charges or not.
  2. 6. Showed that lightning and the sparks from cloths are same phenomena.
  3. 7. Unlike charges each other.
  4. 9. Sudden shaking of earths crust.
  5. 10. When the charged objects comes back to its original (neutral) state.
  6. 12. Like charges ________ each other.
  7. 14. Protects buildings from the effect of lightning.
  8. 15. When the earths plate moves towards each other and collides is a ________ movement.
  1. 1. The electric charges produced by rubbing are called _______ charges.
  2. 2. When the earths plate moves in opposite direction is called _______ movement.
  3. 3. Instrument which records seismic waves.
  4. 5. Objects gets charged by __________.
  5. 8. Fragments of earths crust is called _____ plates.
  6. 11. Earthquake tends to occur at the boundaries of earths plate. These boundaries are called _______ zone.
  7. 12. The energy of an earthquake is expressed in terms of magnitude on __________ scale.
  8. 13. The process of transferring charges from charged objects to earth.