somethings and someones
- 2. something now sold with condoms
- 6. something the tower is
- 8. something trinity is definitely doing, ask the FBI
- 9. something else that could happen on april fools day
- 10. something that's gonna steal our jobs
- 11. someone SGA is funding to come speak (about time)
- 13. something causing the fires in CSI
- 14. someone who is coming for SGA
- 15. something that you're definitely not
- 16. something the freaking bathrooms never have
- 19. someone i miss and its not fair its not its not its not
- 20. something that happens on april fools day
- 1. something your brain is
- 3. something the trinibonian may or may not be
- 4. something people think it's funny to tell us they never read
- 5. something that's gonna bite all of you in the ass one day
- 7. something that changed choir... and not for the better.
- 12. someone who just got married! lucky duck
- 13. something that Felix intends to do with his presidency
- 17. someone who is both an undercover spur and a tiger
- 18. something in the water