Soph Q3

  1. 4. (adj) - A person placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard
  2. 8. (adj) - Fluent and persuasive in speech or expression; convincing and pleasant to listen to
  3. 9. (n) - Sly or cunning intelligence
  4. 12. (adj) - Describes something that cannot be disproved or refuted
  5. 13. (adj) - Unconventional and slightly strange
  6. 14. (v) - to obstruct progress; to block
  7. 17. (n) - The specialized language or vocabulary of a particular profession, trade, or hobby
  8. 19. (v) - to treat with contempt; to dismiss haughtily. To reject due to unworthiness.
  9. 20. (n) - The condition of being inequivalent or unequal in age, measure, or extent.
  10. 21. (v) - To make public something that was once secret
  11. 22. (N) - Speculation based on inconclusive data / evidence that is not complete. A best guess.
  1. 1. (n) - A false or misleading appearance; a contrived surface meant to deceive
  2. 2. (adj) - incapable of making a mistake. Something that is regarded as beyond error
  3. 3. (n) - Hatred; ill will; intense hostility
  4. 5. (v) - To strive, match, or better by means of imitation. Using another's’ actions as a model for future success or mastery
  5. 6. (v) - Closed within; imprisoned
  6. 7. (n) - A single or repeated design, pattern, or color
  7. 10. (v) - To bring out, to evoke or stimulate as to yield a response
  8. 11. (Adj) - Damaging or harmful in effect.
  9. 15. (N) - Openness or honesty. Someone who speaks without lies or half truths.
  10. 16. (adj) - Suggested of guilty nervousness
  11. 18. (v) - to punish or scold severely in hopes that by doing so, new behavior will result