Sophomore Fall Final - vocab

  1. 1. a violent heaving up, commotion
  2. 3. act; crime
  3. 5. enough, sufficient
  4. 8. in opposition to one's interests
  5. 9. a student in college who has not yet earned a degree
  6. 10. a statement below the truth
  7. 13. speaking out freely or boldly
  8. 17. maintenance, cost of operating and repairing
  9. 18. strange; fantastic
  10. 22. insufficiently privileged; disadvantaged
  11. 23. a shadow over; be more important than
  12. 24. not capable of being satisfied
  13. 28. uneasy feeling
  14. 29. of product; amount produced
  1. 2. having to do with study after graduation
  2. 4. prediction, prophecy
  3. 5. ancestor, forebears, predecessor
  4. 6. bossy
  5. 7. to formally remove oneself from, give up
  6. 11. two-hundredth anniversary
  7. 12. the better of by being more clever; outsmart
  8. 13. place too heavy a load on
  9. 14. coming up, being in the near future
  10. 15. retreat, exit, departure
  11. 16. detest, hate
  12. 19. ancestor, forefather
  13. 20. too big a dose, usually of medicine or drugs
  14. 21. not fully conscious
  15. 25. not wary, not alert
  16. 26. opponent, foe
  17. 27. set free from duty or blame