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  1. 2. to be more harsh
  2. 6. to be more quiet than others
  3. 7. to be the most fancy
  4. 8. a person you don't know
  5. 9. to be the most harsh
  6. 13. to be most tricky
  7. 15. to be really early
  8. 17. to be more clean
  9. 20. to be more murky
  10. 21. to be the most kind
  1. 1. to be more crummy
  2. 3. to be the most empty
  3. 4. to be the most clean
  4. 5. to be the most quiet
  5. 8. to make the most shiny
  6. 10. to make more shiny
  7. 11. to be more tricky
  8. 12. to be more kind
  9. 14. to be more fancy than others
  10. 16. unusual or odd
  11. 18. to be more empty
  12. 19. to be more early