South America Vocabulary

  1. 4. a desert located in northern Chile next to the border with Peru
  2. 8. the major river in South America
  3. 10. a large plateau region in northern South America
  4. 11. a fertile grasslands region in southern South America
  5. 12. when soil becomes infertile because it has lost nutrients
  6. 15. a sudden overthrow of the government by a small group of people
  7. 16. a Spanish governor
  8. 18. the capital of Argentina
  9. 20. the capital of Peru
  10. 22. one of the capital cities of Bolivia
  11. 23. a long mountain range along the west coast of South America
  12. 24. a group of workers stopping work until their demands are met
  13. 26. the capital of Brazil
  14. 28. huge slums or areas of high poverty within a city
  15. 30. Venezuelan cowboys
  16. 32. the largest city in Brazil and South America
  17. 33. a mountain system made up of roughly parallel ranges
  18. 34. American-born descendants of Europeans
  19. 36. the capital of Colombia
  1. 1. the clearing of trees
  2. 2. a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water
  3. 3. a recall vote
  4. 5. the capital of Venezuela
  5. 6. a major river in Venezuela
  6. 7. the capital of Ecuador
  7. 9. an estuary that connects the Parana River tot he Atlantic Ocean
  8. 13. a plains region in northern South America
  9. 14. members of an irregular military force
  10. 17. a partially enclosed body of water where freshwater and saltwater mix
  11. 19. completely surrounded by land with no access to the ocean
  12. 21. a part of the economy based on odd jobs without government regulation
  13. 25. an ocean weather pattern that affects the climates of North and South America
  14. 27. the capital of Chile
  15. 29. a broad plateau high in the Andes Mountains
  16. 31. cowboys in Argentina
  17. 35. Maracaibo an oil-rich body of water in Venezuela