South Asia Crossword

  1. 4. Believe in one God in many forms.
  2. 7. A belief that all of existence is constantly changing.
  3. 9. An area of underground water.
  4. 10. To give someone greater knowledge.
  5. 11. A social group that someone is born into and cannot change.
  6. 13. Country where Buddhism began.
  7. 15. The process of watering plants without rain.
  8. 17. A region having little rain because it is sheltered by a range of hills.
  9. 19. Prince who went to save his wife who was kidnapped in South Asia.
  10. 23. A season wind that bring either rain or drought.
  11. 24. Princess who was kidnapped by Ravana
  12. 26. Spiritual head of Tibetan Buddhism.
  1. 1. A person's duty in life.
  2. 2. Being born into a new body after dying.
  3. 3. _______________ tectonics helped form mountains in South Asia.
  4. 5. River that the first South Asian civilization was built upon.
  5. 6. A poem containing a story of heroic deeds.
  6. 8. Tallest MOUNTAIN in the world.
  7. 9. A ring shaped reef island.
  8. 12. A result that happens because of a person's actions.
  9. 14. Home of the evil King Ravana
  10. 16. River that most people live on in South Asia.
  11. 18. Population ______________
  12. 20. Tallest mountain range in the world.
  13. 21. A state of endless peace and joy in Buddhism.
  14. 22. The enlightened one.
  15. 25. The lowest social class in the Caste System.