South Asian Religions

  1. 5. a member of the highest caste in India
  2. 8. Symbol of welbeing
  3. 10. Temple of Sikhs
  4. 13. Neither dead nor born but travels for 49 days
  5. 15. The birth region of Sikhism
  6. 16. The god of ignitor
  7. 18. "Ocean of Wisdom"
  8. 19. Whose dance ends the world
  9. 20. Respectful beggar
  10. 21. The scripture of Sikhism
  11. 22. Buddha's teachings
  1. 1. the creator god in Hinduism
  2. 2. Hindu Temple
  3. 3. low-castes converted to Sikhism
  4. 4. a festival that bathes you in colored powder
  5. 6. one aspires to be a Buddha
  6. 7. "The Awakened one"
  7. 9. "Noble Ones"
  8. 11. Local Tibetan religion
  9. 12. One who did not want one to be a Buddha
  10. 14. a Place of ancient Indian civilization
  11. 17. The god with an elephant trunk
  12. 19. One of the five Ks