Southeast Asia Part 2

  1. 3. fought Chinese invaders until 111B.C and ruled by China for 1000 years
  2. 5. country that colonized Myanmar, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
  3. 7. natural disasters that occur frequently due to location on Ring of Fire
  4. 8. most developed economy in SE Asia
  5. 9. empire dominated SE Asian areas and controlled the Strait of Malacca
  6. 13. country that colonized Indonesia
  7. 14. main crop in SE Asia
  1. 1. celebration during the Buddhists New Year
  2. 2. early civilization in SE Asia ideas from Indian traders
  3. 4. took control of Philippines from Spain in 1898
  4. 6. country that colonized Indochina, which later became Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos
  5. 10. brought to SE Asia by Muslims merchants in the 800s
  6. 11. center for Islam on the Malay Peninsula
  7. 12. economic and political alliance for growth and cultural exchanges