Southeast Asian Imperialism

  1. 3. a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
  2. 4. country that was the neutral zone between France and British colonies.
  3. 7. Name of combine French Colonies including Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
  4. 9. name of king who ruled Siam.
  5. 10. Company used to colonize east Indonesia.
  6. 13. Name of people that populated Australia and New Zeland.
  1. 1. name of leader of Filipino nationalists.
  2. 2. Last queen of Hawaii
  3. 5. year when US annexed the republic of Hawaii.
  4. 6. Name of president who was in office when the US took the Philippines.
  5. 8. First country to populate Australia.
  6. 11. seizure or takeover of a colony
  7. 12. Countries that border the pacific ocean.
  8. 14. grown on plantations in southeast Asia main reason for colonizing the Indies.
  9. 15. port controlled by the dutch east Indian company on the Malaysian peninsula