
  1. 1. the burning up of a chunk of rock and metal pulled into the atmosphere
  2. 2. number of planets as of 2006
  3. 5. group of stars forming a picture
  4. 7. planet with water and one moon
  5. 8. everything that exists including energy, matter and space
  6. 10. another name for the inner planets
  7. 12. at the center of our solar system
  8. 14. chunk of rock and metal pulled down through the atmosphere
  9. 16. chunk of frozen material travelling in large orbits around the Sun
  10. 18. astronomical event when the earth blocks out the moon
  11. 19. time it takes for a planet to do one full revolution around the sun
  12. 20. number of stars in our solar system
  1. 1. when the chunk of rock and metal hits the earth
  2. 3. any object that exists in space
  3. 4. paths that planets travel in
  4. 6. another name for a moon
  5. 9. when the moon is not out
  6. 11. time it takes for a planet to rotate once on its axis
  7. 12. astonomical event when the moon blocks out the sun
  8. 13. planet with no atmosphere but that has craters
  9. 15. the study of everything beyond the Earth
  10. 17. another name for the outer planets