
  1. 4. is blue
  2. 6. by earth
  3. 10. where the planets live
  4. 12. has a ring
  5. 13. big rock goes fast
  6. 14. has life
  7. 15. is the fir vest planet
  8. 17. biggest planet
  9. 19. dwarf planet
  10. 20. pulls you down
  1. 1. something that sucks you in
  2. 2. in the centre of the solar system
  3. 3. red planet
  4. 5. a place we’re humans live
  5. 7. what a person is called in space
  6. 8. rock near earth
  7. 9. a dot in the sky
  8. 11. car in space
  9. 16. closest to sun
  10. 18. what earth spins on