
  1. 4. next stage after main sequence when the average size star expands
  2. 5. spherical object, gravitational field clears its orbit
  3. 6. lump of rock that burns up in the earths atmosphere
  4. 10. when the core of a red giant cools and dims
  5. 13. when a white dwarf is dead
  6. 15. when fusion stops in the super red giant
  7. 16. when a star is stable
  8. 20. elements up to this formed in average sized stars
  9. 22. length of life of a massive star
  10. 24. forms when dust and gas are pulled together by gravity
  11. 26. natural satellite orbiting a planet
  12. 27. element formed when hydrogen nuclei fuse
  1. 1. clouds of dust and hydrogen, birth place of stars
  2. 2. force that keeps planets in orbit
  3. 3. lump of rock that enters the earths atmosphere
  4. 7. theory of how the universe was formed
  5. 8. formed after a supernova from a smaller core
  6. 9. spherical object orbiting a star cannot clear its orbit
  7. 11. when electromagnetic waves moving away from you are stretched
  8. 12. lump of rock and ice with a large elliptical orbit
  9. 14. scientists think it makes up most of the universe
  10. 17. length of life of an average size star
  11. 18. formed after a supernova from a larger core
  12. 19. when the force of gravity and temperature of fusion are balanced
  13. 21. when the protostar has become larger and hotter
  14. 23. stage after main sequence of a massive star
  15. 25. elements like this formed in a supernova