
  1. 5. Suitable for human life
  2. 6. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  3. 7. A small rocky body orbiting the Sun
  4. 10. Relating to the Earth or solid land
  5. 11. Heating caused by trapped radiation
  6. 14. An object in orbit around a celestial body
  7. 15. Any natural object after Earth atmosphere
  8. 16. Orbits the Sun, is round, and has cleared orbit
  9. 18. A celestial object in solar HEO of ice and dust
  1. 1. A celestial body orbiting the Sun uncleared
  2. 2. Celestial bodies that revolve around a sun
  3. 3. Technology developed for mission then public
  4. 4. Star Distance where temp produces water
  5. 8. Materiel combination that make up a whole
  6. 9. Building to contain astronomical telescope
  7. 10. Optical tech to make distant objects nearer
  8. 12. Icy group solar orbiting beyond Neptune
  9. 13. A natural satellite of a planet
  10. 17. Layer of gases surrounding a celestial body