
  1. 3. The universe.
  2. 5. A group of stars that form a pattern.
  3. 7. A small body of matter from outer space that enters Earth’s atmosphere and appears like a streak of light.
  4. 8. A cavity in the ground of a celestial object, typically caused by meteor impact.
  5. 9. The distance light travels in one year (nearly 6 trillion miles).
  6. 13. A regular and repeating circuit that one celestial object takes around another.
  7. 16. When one celestial body blocks light from reaching another by moving between it and its light source.
  8. 19. An instrument that allows us to see into space.
  9. 20. A small star with low luminosity.
  10. 21. The planet we live on.
  11. 23. Everything that exists in space.
  12. 24. Compact stars that spin around hundreds of times a second.
  13. 25. The force that pulls objects towards each other.
  1. 1. A scientist who studies the universe.
  2. 2. A person trained to travel in a spacecraft.
  3. 4. A piece of rock or metal that lands on Earth’s surface.
  4. 6. A cloud of dust and gas in space.
  5. 8. Objects made of frozen gases, rock and dust that orbit the Sun.
  6. 10. A vehicle designed to carry people into space
  7. 11. When a star has burnt up its fuel and begins to collapse inwards.
  8. 12. The area of air and gas that envelopes Earth and other astronomical objects.
  9. 14. The main theory explaining how the universe started.
  10. 15. A system of two stars where one revolves around the other or both revolve around a common centre.
  11. 17. Basic units of matter that every solid, liquid, gas and plasma is composed of.
  12. 18. A push or pull on an object when it interacts with another.
  13. 22. Supermassive black holes that suck in materials