
  1. 4. the galaxy we live in
  2. 6. weightlessness occurs in the absence of _____
  3. 8. an area that contains no air like in space
  4. 10. uncrewed spacecraft designed to orbit an object in space
  5. 13. person who studies stars, planets, and other heavenly bodies
  6. 15. stars that outline and imaginary picture
  7. 18. used to describe the temperature differences in space
  8. 19. acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  9. 20. classification of the Milky Way based on its shape
  10. 22. a reusable spacecraft that uses external rockets
  11. 24. a machine that uses gas to pull away from Earth's gravity
  1. 1. star system that contains million to billions of stars
  2. 2. name for the North Star
  3. 3. craft designed to land on a planet
  4. 5. any object in space that orbits another object
  5. 7. name of first human in space Yuri ________
  6. 9. what the sun is classified as
  7. 11. the name of the telescope put into orbit in 1990
  8. 12. the name of the planet we live on
  9. 14. small vehicle used to explore the surface of planet
  10. 16. large clouds of gas and dust
  11. 17. another name for the constellation Great Bear
  12. 21. unmanned spacecraft that carries scientific instruments
  13. 23. number of months the crew of International Space Station stay at a time