
  1. 3. what's at the center of the universe?
  2. 8. developed the model of the heliocentric universe
  3. 12. the idea that the days referenced in Genesis are not 24 hour days
  4. 14. earth centered universe
  5. 15. Law of Universal Gravitation says smaller objects orbit more ___ objects
  6. 17. the name of our galaxy
  7. 21. how we "see" black holes
  8. 30. when the gravitational fields of two galaxies interact
  9. 31. a type of galaxy
  10. 33. the idea that the universe was created in six literal days
  1. 1. developed the Law of Universal Gravitation
  2. 2. developed the model of the geocentric universe
  3. 4. the idea that a gap of time lies between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2
  4. 5. what's created when a star dies
  5. 6. what's at the center of a heliocentric universe
  6. 7. what type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
  7. 9. built and used telescopes
  8. 10. used Kepler's laws to mathematically prove a heliocentric universe
  9. 11. discovered in 1923 by Edwin Hubble
  10. 13. the study of the physical universe
  11. 16. used telescopes to prove a heliocentric universe
  12. 18. a type of galaxy
  13. 19. matter that has mass, but cannot be seen or detected
  14. 20. these stars collapse to form black holes
  15. 22. idea that the universe was once hotter and denser than it is now
  16. 23. observed and measured our closest neighboring galaxy
  17. 24. matter that has the same size and mass, but opposite electric charge
  18. 25. combined earth centered and sun centered universe
  19. 26. Pluto is a ___ planet
  20. 27. Modern astronomy comes with the invention of the ___
  21. 28. what's at the center of the Milky Way?
  22. 29. said we had a heliocentric universe, but not in circular orbits
  23. 32. all stars begin as this