
  1. 2. harry potter but stars
  2. 4. first to the moon
  3. 5. the final fronteer
  4. 7. keeps us warm
  5. 9. ursa minor
  6. 10. what is the milky way
  7. 11. the one rejected by earth
  8. 12. Nasa but with cacc
  9. 14. the 4th in a system
  10. 15. where astronauts live away from earth
  11. 16. made of cheese
  12. 17. the blue dot
  13. 19. _wars
  14. 22. home of the red spot
  1. 1. a famous picture taken by apollo 8
  2. 3. enterprise, atlantis, columbia, discovery
  3. 6. our sister galaxy
  4. 7. nasas partner
  5. 8. the blue giant
  6. 13. the airplanes spacecraft
  7. 18. transport to the final fronteer
  8. 20. star_
  9. 21. where devolopment happens