Space Crossword

  1. 3. when energy jumps from one sunspot to another​
  2. 9. model, model that showed objects orbiting the sun
  3. 12. a round object that orbits around the sun and has cleared away objects near it
  4. 14. Planets, the 4 furthest planets from the sun and are made mostly of gas
  5. 16. the sun’s _________ pull keeps the planets from flying off into space
  6. 17. Unit, used to measure distances within our solar system
  7. 18. glucose and oxygen are _________ of photosynthesis
  8. 19. Year, the distance light travels in a year
  1. 1. the organelles known as the energy "powerhouses" of the cells
  2. 2. sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water are ________ of photosynthesis
  3. 4. large collection of stars, planets, gas, dust, and other objects
  4. 5. Planets, the 4 planets closest to the sun and have rocky surfaces
  5. 6. dark spot on the surface of the sun​
  6. 7. huge celestial body, made mostly of hydrogen and helium, that produces light and heat​
  7. 8. Eclipse, an eclipse that happens when the moon is directly between the sun and the earth
  8. 9. Diagram​, a diagram that shows the relationship between stars
  9. 10. Eclipse, an eclipse that happens when the earth is directly between the sun and the moon​
  10. 11. Cycle, a cycle in which carbon moves through the air, ground, plants, animals, etc
  11. 13. Tide​, when the moon and the sun both pull the water in the same way​
  12. 15. the rise and fall of the water level in the oceans