Space Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. Force that pulls objects together.
  2. 6. Also called terrestrial Planets.
  3. 8. A small rocky object floating in space.
  4. 10. Cloud of gas and dust in space. What the solar system formed from.
  5. 12. Building blocks of planets.
  6. 13. A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from the sun.
  7. 16. Also called Jovian Planets.
  1. 1. The tendency of an object to resist a change in its motion.
  2. 2. A small rocky object that hit the surface of the Earth
  3. 3. The force of gravity on a person or object on the surface of a planet.
  4. 5. A large rocky body orbiting the sun.
  5. 7. What the inner planets are made of.
  6. 8. The measurement of the amount of matter “stuff” in an object.
  7. 9. Path in which planets and moons travel around a star.
  8. 11. Theory on how the universe started from a single point.
  9. 14. A small rocky object entering Earth's atmosphere
  10. 15. What the outer planets are made of.