Space Crossword

  1. 2. The galaxy our solar system is located
  2. 3. A small body composed of rock and metal
  3. 6. Often referred to as a 'Shooting Star'
  4. 8. The hottest planet in the solar system
  5. 12. Has the most beautiful rings
  6. 13. The measurement for distance between planets
  7. 14. The galaxy that is one of the closet to Earth
  8. 15. Space contains millions and billions of these
  1. 1. Nothing escapes this, not even light
  2. 4. Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are what sort of planets?
  3. 5. Uranus and Neptune are given this name because they are the coldest planets
  4. 7. A natural satelite for the Earth
  5. 9. Takes approximately 365 days to orbit the sun
  6. 10. Planets orbit around this star
  7. 11. Jupiter and Saturn are a type of planet