Space Science

  1. 6. time it takes a planet to complete one full rotation on its axis
  2. 9. he formulated the law of universal gravitation
  3. 11. it is this season in Australia in June
  4. 13. when the area of sunlight is at a maximum in one hemisphere and at a minimum in the other hemisphere
  5. 14. the earth-centered model of the solar system
  6. 16. an event during which one object in space casts a shadow onto another
  7. 18. the darkest part of the shadow
  8. 19. this scientist proposed the heliocentric model of the solar system
  9. 20. smaller bodies that orbit most of the planets
  10. 21. __________ force is the inward force that causes an object to move in a circular path
  11. 24. the word that scientists use to describe space and all of the energy and matter in it
  12. 27. the beginning of planets
  13. 29. a ________ moon appears to grow
  14. 31. this scientist proposed the geocentric model of the solar system
  15. 33. the lighter outer cone of the shadow
  16. 35. a body that orbits a larger body
  17. 36. the Milky Way is this type of galaxy
  18. 37. tidal cycles occur _____ minutes later each day
  19. 38. month when it is our winter solstice
  20. 39. these orbit between Mars and Jupiter; made of rock and/or metal
  21. 42. the spinning of a body, such as a planet, on its axis
  22. 44. the Earth, sun and moon are all _______ up during spring tide
  23. 45. areas where very little matter exists
  1. 1. the force of attraction between objects
  2. 2. a ________ moon appears to shrink
  3. 3. this side is illuminated when the moon is waning
  4. 4. the time it takes Earth to complete one full revolution around the sun
  5. 5. his first principle states that planets move in elliptical orbits
  6. 7. point when a planet is farthest from the sun
  7. 8. the sun-centered model of the solar system
  8. 10. these are often called “shooting stars”
  9. 12. an example of a gas giant planet; farthest from the sun
  10. 13. characterized by a pattern of temperature and other weather trends
  11. 15. the motion of a body that travels around another body in space
  12. 17. when sunlight shines equally on the Northern and Southern hemispheres
  13. 22. a spherical body that orbits the sun
  14. 23. an example of a terrestrial planet; closest to the sun
  15. 25. a large celestial body that is composed of gas and emits light
  16. 26. tides that have the smallest daily tidal range
  17. 28. these are made of ice, dust and gas; most are found in the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt
  18. 30. a large collection of stars, gas and dust
  19. 32. point when a planet is closest to the sun
  20. 34. a lunar eclipse will only occur on a ______ moon
  21. 40. tides that have the largest daily tidal range
  22. 41. daily changes in the level of ocean water
  23. 43. the path that a body follows as it travels around another body in space