
  1. 1. Your mobile phone uses one of these in the sky.
  2. 2. Vehicles that astronauts use are called this.
  3. 4. Objects in outer space are called this.
  4. 7. It is sometimes called a shooting star or falling star.
  5. 8. What is the name of the Mars Rover?
  6. 9. Person who goes into space.
  7. 11. All things fall down because of it.
  8. 12. The path planets take around the sun.
  9. 14. When the moon passes the sun, it is called an...
  10. 15. It is the Earth's moon
  11. 16. Looks like a dirty snowball in space.
  12. 18. Star at centre of solar system.
  1. 1. It's called a solar neighbourhood or solar..?
  2. 3. No one can hear you scream there.
  3. 5. Something you look through to see the stars.
  4. 6. It shines very brightly.
  5. 9. They are also known as minor planets.
  6. 10. Made of dust,gas,stars,clouds,galaxies and life.
  7. 13. What orbits around the sun?
  8. 17. It is named after the Roman god of war & agriculture