
  1. 2. What you say when you are leaving or at the end of a conversation.
  2. 4. The opposite of Miss or Mrs.
  3. 7. What you say after given or provided something.
  4. 8. The opposite of bad.
  5. 10. Another way of saying bye.
  6. 13. A unmarried Miss/Mrs.
  7. 14. The opposite of good.
  8. 15. The most common way people greet each other.
  1. 1. What you say after making a mistake or doing something wrong.
  2. 3. The opposite of Mister or Mr.
  3. 5. The word you say after you ask something, "the magic word."
  4. 6. One of the first things Senor Carpenter says to you in the morning.
  5. 9. When you are not bad but are also not good, kind of in the middle. When you are "Ok."
  6. 11. The first section of our vocabulary.
  7. 12. What you say after someone says "thank you."