
  1. 2. a reward includes less in class ________
  2. 4. a consequence includes silent lunch _______
  3. 8. remain in your ________ during class.
  4. 12. follow _____ at all times
  5. 13. the name of the movie students will watch
  6. 14. chapter 2 introduction to _________
  1. 1. stay seated and prepared
  2. 3. consequence include phone call _______
  3. 5. introduced to vocabulary words in Spanish by completing _____ worksheets
  4. 6. stay focused on the ______ or assignment at hand.
  5. 7. 40% of grade is based on classwork and_____
  6. 9. watch more Spanih music _________.
  7. 10. learn the names of all Spanish speaking
  8. 11. writing utensil preferably a ________