Spanish -AR , -ER , and -IR Verbs

  1. 4. Actions in the library
  2. 6. To live
  3. 7. Opposite of walk
  4. 8. Yo conjugation is Comprendo
  5. 9. Opposite of to close
  6. 10. I ____ in my bed
  7. 15. To dance
  8. 16. To drink
  1. 1. Opposite of to start
  2. 2. To say
  3. 3. To believe
  4. 5. Nosotros conjugation is Contestamos
  5. 11. Yo conjugation is Escribo
  6. 12. You come to school to _______
  7. 13. To attend
  8. 14. Nosotros conjugation is Hablamos