Spanish pg. 195

  1. 3. brush or...
  2. 4. I also have a hard time doing this every morning
  3. 6. opposite of conditioner
  4. 8. I never put this on
  5. 12. mom tells me to this everyday
  6. 14. take one after dinner every day
  7. 15. do this twice in the shower
  8. 17. dry with hair with a...
  9. 18. brush your teeth with...
  10. 21. I can't do this fast
  11. 23. I have a hard time doing this every morning
  12. 24. can't do it on time
  13. 25. use a towel to...
  1. 1. every morning for school you
  2. 2. wash your body with
  3. 5. opposite of shower
  4. 7. I have to carefully do this because of my spacers
  5. 9. dry your body with a...
  6. 10. main part of the shower
  7. 11. how do you brush your teeth
  8. 13. Sophia doesn't do well
  9. 16. another phrase for brush my hair
  10. 19. what violette said one time wrong
  11. 20. look at yourself with
  12. 22. dad tells me to do this everyday