Spanish Unit 10 College 101

  1. 5. blood, a scrape...
  2. 7. Lumps, chemo...
  3. 8. throwing up, coughing, very high fever...
  4. 10. scratchy throat, ice cream, soothe...
  5. 13. In and out, can see it in the cold air...
  6. 18. you have the flu...
  7. 20. Brrrrrr, I am chilly!
  8. 24. Running, kayaking, lifting weights...
  9. 28. insulin, too much sugar...
  10. 29. Ow, my heart. AHHHH!
  11. 30. Sometimes you (blank) and get a day off...
  1. 1. Not on purpose
  2. 2. Zzzz, Snoring...
  3. 3. tombstones, a casket...
  4. 4. I can't breathe! I have (blank)!
  5. 6. chubby, not thin...
  6. 9. is also known as a shot...
  7. 11. OW, MY LEG!
  8. 12. Black and blue, can't walk, it hurts...
  9. 14. Allergie, Have it with a drink...
  11. 16. Fit, healthy, good at exercising...
  12. 17. A (blank) situation...
  13. 19. OUCH!
  14. 21. ACK, my throat! I think I need to clear it by (blank)...
  15. 22. coughing, sneezing, in great pain...
  16. 23. Cuts can turn into this if not taken care of
  17. 25. spreads quite quickly if around please...
  18. 26. not healhty, but...
  19. 27. not sick, but...