spanish vocab

  1. 1. dollar
  2. 4. shopping center
  3. 8. tshirt
  4. 10. hat
  5. 12. it cost
  6. 14. jacket
  7. 15. dress
  8. 17. shoes
  9. 18. winter hat
  10. 19. go shopping
  11. 20. how much does it cost
  12. 21. the store
  13. 23. blouse
  14. 24. jeans
  1. 1. price
  2. 2. to pay
  3. 3. ugly
  4. 5. pants
  5. 6. euro
  6. 7. money
  7. 8. shorts
  8. 9. to wear
  9. 11. socks
  10. 13. new
  11. 16. clothing
  12. 22. shirt