
  1. 5. new years
  2. 7. christmas eve
  3. 9. valintines day
  4. 10. agreed
  5. 11. to hang decorations
  6. 13. to believe
  7. 14. christmas
  8. 16. come...
  9. 19. go away...
  10. 20. it seems fine
  11. 22. how do you feel about
  12. 23. what are you doing
  13. 26. i dont think so
  14. 27. go...
  1. 1. easter
  2. 2. new years eve
  3. 3. perfect
  4. 4. i think so
  5. 6. mothers days
  6. 8. thanksgiving
  7. 12. holidays
  8. 15. good idea
  9. 17. do...
  10. 18. ok
  11. 21. fathers day
  12. 23. what do you think/do you think that
  13. 24. decorations
  14. 25. put...