Speak Up Be Safe Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The motion for rule #2.
  2. 4. Someone you meet online is a _____.
  3. 5. Purposefully hurt physically or emotionally.
  4. 8. There are _____ types of abuse.
  5. 9. The motion for rule #1.
  6. 12. Children should have at least 2 _____ _____?
  7. 14. Not having what's needed to be healthy and safe.
  8. 15. I am _____.
  1. 1. I should _____ myself physically and emotionally.
  2. 2. What is rule #1?
  3. 6. What type of abuse involves feelings?
  4. 7. Abuse that involves bruises or broken bones.
  5. 10. Ask an _____ if I'm safe is rule #2.
  6. 11. Never keep abuse of private body parts a _____.
  7. 13. It's an adult's job to keep children _______.