
  1. 2. Gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and movements
  2. 6. Speaking without too many hesitations or too slow a pace
  3. 7. The speed at which one speaks
  4. 8. the rise and fall of the voice in speaking
  5. 9. Using intonation,language, or body language to show you want to join a conversation or end one, keep speaking, or invite others to join
  6. 10. Choosing the appropriate register
  7. 11. It involves linking and contractions
  1. 1. A situation where two or more people communicate with each other or react to each another
  2. 3. The correct use of language (grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation)
  3. 4. The degree of formality or informality in a speech
  4. 5. Speaking with too many pauses and a faltering voice