Special Education Jargon
- 2. an instructional program that meets his or her individual needs and learning characteristics; a commitment to build and maintain an assured sense of belonging for all students, regardless of strengths or challenges.
- 6. legally required, and is an important first step to finding children with disabilities and getting them the support and services they require to be successful in school.
- 9. Free and Appropriate Public Education
- 11. A change in curriculum or instruction that does not substantially modify the requirements of the class or alter the content standards or benchmarks.
- 13. Physical Therapy
- 16. In general, a course of legal proceedings according to rules and principles established for enforcement and protection of private rights.
- 17. Occupational Therapy
- 1. A change in curriculum or instruction that does not substantially modify the requirements of the class or alter the content standards or benchmarks.
- 3. Speech Language Pathologist
- 4. A change in curriculum or instruction that substantially alters the requirements of the class or its content standards or benchmarks.
- 5. U.S. Office for Civil Rights
- 7. The annually written record of an eligible individual’s special education and related services, describing the unique educational needs of the student and the manner in which those educational needs will be met.
- 8. Federal law that entitles students with disabilities to special education services
- 10. The unique combination of facilities, personnel, location or equipment necessary to provide instructional services to meet the goals as specified in the student’s IEP. Set of services, not a location.
- 12. U.S. Office of Special Education Programs / DOE
- 14. A federal mandate stipulating that, to the maximum extent possible, students with disabilities be educated with their non-disabled peers.
- 15. Americans with Disabilities Act