Spectrum Mobile Tools

  1. 4. This tool will house all of our actions
  2. 5. This tool will allow us to send up requests
  3. 7. This tab in AgentOS shows us mobile info
  4. 9. The Mobile Agent ____ will be a one stop shop
  5. 11. We need to do this to save an article
  6. 13. This tab will tell us basic account info
  7. 15. This tool will house our notes for the account
  1. 1. Shows all of the orders and returns
  2. 2. This tab allows us to upgrade services
  3. 3. This will help us find all of the latest info
  4. 6. This will tell us what calls are coming in
  5. 8. How will we communicate to each other
  6. 10. this tab allows us to see billing on an account
  7. 12. This will help customers help themselves
  8. 14. This is where we can share ideas while in training