Spelling 5.3 -RC

  1. 2. This is a place where you go to see underwater creatures.
  2. 3. If you want to blend in, try not to be ______.
  3. 6. The best teacher ever! =)
  4. 7. The United States' Founding Fathers wrote this.
  5. 9. If sharks ____ you, you are in trouble.
  6. 11. You will need this to go somewhere.
  7. 12. They plant items in the ground.
  8. 13. You want your tools to be _____.
  1. 1. If you do not have parents, you go here.
  2. 4. Indiana Jones goes on these.
  3. 5. If you do not do this, you will lose class points.
  4. 8. Hurricanes and other natural disasters are known to be this word.
  5. 10. You will need your teacher to do this before you start doing a crossword online.