Spelling Crossword - "ar"

  1. 2. The ability to speak fluently and coherently.
  2. 6. A word for difference.
  3. 7. A distinct section of a piece of writing.
  4. 8. Very unusual or remarkable.
  5. 11. To reword a direct quote.
  6. 12. Combining to emphasise the qualities of each other.
  7. 14. Without regard or consideration.
  8. 15. A range of words used in particular language.
  9. 17. When you consider the similarities and differences.
  10. 18. Divide into different parts.
  11. 19. Connected with literature.
  12. 20. A desire to argue and reason.
  1. 1. To give emphasis to a specific point.
  2. 3. Belonging to or occurring in the present.
  3. 4. Uneven or imbalanced.
  4. 5. A strong reaction.
  5. 9. Very different.
  6. 10. Needed to be done and achieved.
  7. 13. The system and structure of language.
  8. 16. An argument that opposes an idea or theory.